Friday, November 24, 2023

Preventing Slip and Fall injuries for the elderly

 Preventing Slip and Fall Injuries

Dr Craig Lowe (ret) 
Functional Biomechanical Specialist

Hay I am 73 and the clock does not stop.   I fell down the stairs at my sons house and really banged my right hip up and it reminded me that I need to talk about this.   Falling....

Its all about BALANCE!   Going to the emergency is no fun especially when you are older.   

  • Orthotics are manditory as you get older to reduce wear and tear on load bearing joints of the foot, ankle, knee, hip and spine. 
  • Wear shoes that are secure and not flimbsy 
  • Cane, 4 leg walker, elevators are all things to be using if you have access.
  • Preventive oral suppliments.   Water soluable Calcium, Magnesium, Zinc, Citamin C, a good diet with a balance of protein and Carbohydrates and Fat.    The reason is that if you do fall, your body can withstand the trauma.    
  • Be aware of obsticles around you.
  • Always carry your cell phone or body alert.    Just assume you might have a bad day and be on guard.    
    • When showering or bathing have cell phone close by so you can reach it. 

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