Thursday, November 23, 2023


 Hammertoe Deformities - Toe Pain 

Dr Craig Lowe - Foot Surgeon (ret)

Surgical 2nd opinions consultations available 

Hammertoes: A Comprehensive Guide to Diagnosis, Prevention, and Treatment

Hammertoes, also known as mallet toes or claw toes, are a common foot deformity characterized by bending or buckling of one or more toes, typically the second, third, or fourth toe. This deformity can cause pain, discomfort, and difficulty walking, making it a significant quality-of-life concern for many individuals.

Understanding Hammertoes

The bones in our toes are connected by joints that allow for movement. Hammertoes occur when these joints become misaligned, causing the toes to bend or buckle. This misalignment can be caused by various factors, including:

  • Genetics: Hammertoes tend to run in families, suggesting a genetic predisposition to the deformity.

  • Inappropriate Footwear: Wearing shoes that are too tight, too narrow, or have high heels can put undue pressure on the toes, contributing to joint misalignment.

  • Neuromuscular Conditions: Certain neuromuscular conditions, such as arthritis or nerve damage, can affect the muscles and tendons that control toe movement, leading to hammertoe development.

Symptoms and Signs of Hammertoes

The primary symptom of hammertoes is a visible bend or buckling of one or more toes. This deformity can lead to other symptoms, including:

  • Pain: Hammertoes can cause pain at the bend of the toe or on the top of the toe where it rubs against the shoe.

  • Corns and Calluses: The friction between the bent toe and the shoe can lead to the formation of corns and calluses, which can be painful and unsightly.

  • Difficulty Walking: Hammertoes can make it difficult to walk normally, especially in high heels or shoes with narrow toe boxes.

  • Open Sores: In severe cases, hammertoes can break open and form sores, increasing the risk of infection.

Diagnosing Hammertoes

Diagnosing hammertoes is typically straightforward and can be done during a routine foot examination. Your doctor will examine your feet, looking for the characteristic bend or buckling of the toes. They may also order X-rays to rule out other underlying conditions.

Treating Hammertoes

Treatment for hammertoes depends on the severity of the deformity and the associated symptoms.

Non-Surgical Treatment Options:

  • Conservative Measures: For mild cases, conservative measures such as wearing shoes with wide toe boxes, using toe pads or cushions, and performing toe stretches may provide relief.

  • Custom Orthotics: Custom-made orthotics can help support the foot and reduce the pressure on the toes.

  • Night Splints: Night splints can be worn while sleeping to gradually straighten the toes.

Surgical Treatment Options:

  • Surgery: In severe cases where conservative measures fail to provide adequate relief, surgery may be considered. Surgical procedures for hammertoes aim to realign the tendons and joints of the affected toes.

Preventing Hammertoes

While there is no foolproof way to prevent hammertoes, certain preventive measures can help reduce the risk of developing the deformity:

  • Choosing Proper Footwear: Opt for shoes that fit well, have a wide toe box, and a low heel. Avoid shoes that are too tight, too narrow, or have high heels.

  • Maintaining a Healthy Weight: Excess weight can put additional strain on the feet, increasing the risk of hammertoes.

  • Regular Foot Exercises: Performing simple foot exercises can help strengthen the muscles and tendons in the feet, promoting flexibility and reducing the risk of deformity.

Conservative Treatment

Its a good start to start with medical grade Orthotics to remove the tight flexor tendon contractuire on the toe. If the hammertoe deformity is flexible, many time the use of orthotics can reduce the severity of the contracture of the toes. Sometimes the toe deformity becomes fixed and there is a bony blockage which needs to be repaired by a foot surgeon. Hammertoe implants are a good method for reducing the deformity.


Hammertoes, while a common foot deformity, can cause significant discomfort and affect one's quality of life. By understanding the causes, symptoms, and treatment options, individuals can make informed decisions about managing their condition and improving their foot health.

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