Friday, December 1, 2023

Chiropractic Solutions

Physical Medicine Providers
Why Chiropractic is a perfect profession to assume the governing role of Biomechanics

Biomechanics started in the 1960s as a philosophy which developed between orthopedics and podiatric medicine. Biomechanics originally developed as a static non-movement science of human function of the musculoskeletal system from cadaver studies and then later evolved into functional biomechanics in the mid-1970s as the first 2D force sensor biomechanical data acquisition system which was developed called Electrodynography (EDG) by Langer Biomechanics was released (1976). Yours truly was one of the researchers of this technology which expanded the complexity of Static Biomechanics and created a new science called Functional Biomechanics. As a science grew, the complexity of the science (through its evaluation of mass displacement, balance, motion analysis, pressure, gait, and symmetry) began to complicate what we knew about human performance.   Soon after this, video cad kinematic imaging (Motion Analysis), and surface EMG telemetry began to emerge from the medical device industry. Soon afterwards, Neuromuscular Gait Imaging Laboratories began to spring up across United States as a method for evaluating complex motion control issues. In 1982 I developed the first neuromuscular gait imaging Lab in Newport Beach California where we analyzed and evaluated sports medicine and complex neuromuscular injuries and diseases.
As the science took flight, reimbursements for analytical studies was at an all-time high.  Then, in 1990 when managed-care entered California, the environment began to change when insurance Companies began to deny or cut back substantially payments for analytical studies.    The science eventually migrated to PhD University programs out of medicine in the late 1990s where it resides today. During this time, the Podiatric Medical Schools deleted Biomechanics from curriculums leaving the science with Universities such as Penn State.
Now is an ideal time for the Chiropractic profession to embrace Functional Biomechanics stated Dr Craig Lowe, a Biomechanical researcher. This will add further credibility to the Chiropractic profession in the eyes of Allopathic (MD) medicine. Functional Biomechanics is the foundation of everything we see in physical medicine. That represents 90% of patients seen by Chiropractors.  Since the Chiropractic Profession deals with physical medicine and due to the fact that they use biomechanical therapy as part of their intervention, it only makes sense that Chiropractors assume the functional health care role of Biomechanical Intervention in the US Health Care System.   In addition, Chiropractors can easily impliment biomechanical therapies into wellness programs very effectively.

Our goal was to develop trhe best imaging and products available to the medical industry and help the practioner with tools to grow their practice at the same time.   See our blog on Practice Management:  

New Trends in Treatments - The Good and the Bad

The Good. . .

In 1993 I began the process of planning for a brand new imaging system that would revolutionize biomechanics.   During this time was a infancy period in sensor data acquisition systems for biomechanics.   Laser images were just beginning to establish themselves inside the medical market and force sensor systems were crude and unpredictable.  

Our goal as an engineering team, was to develop a 3-D weight-bearing kinematic imaging system that would combine the benefits of laser imaging along with force sensor data acquisition for gait analysis In a portable system with software that would replace the role of the biomechanical physician.  After looking at the trends in biomechanics, became a currently clear to me that we needed to put software on the market that would help and assist practitioners in the analysis of complex load bearing diseases.
What we had to do was to take what is very complex and make it very simple to operate.   We also needed to develop a dynamic media that would do geometric surfacing and it weight-bearing environment.  To further complicate our goals we need to create software that would compute the neutral joint positioning of the subtalar joint, midtarsal joints, and the first ray.  We had to do this through both a static and as well as a dynamic analysis. 
With my knowledge of manufacturing orthotic some plaster cast in phone boxes since 1976, it became clear to me that there were too many errors associated with the art-form involved in manufacturing.   In 1993 I began Hey methodical analysis of holier points involved in manufacturing orthotics from plaster casting and foam box impressions.   The end result was a research paper that I wrote where I identify 27 error points from the moment that the patient came into the treatment room, plaster casting were measured and applied all the way to the final finishing up the product.  
It became very apparent to me that we had to change the whole process of manufacturing orthotics. By evaluating the error points and methodically creating new methods and procedures for eliminating error, we began to see an increase in load bearing corrections on body mechanics.   Please note, there is a separate blog on the errors in the manufacturing or custom orthotics.

With talent from aerospace, medical device industry, hardware and computer engineers,along with our knowledge in functional biomechanics, came the first 3D Weight Bearing Kinematic Imaging System was launched in 2003 and we called it 3DO (3D Orthodynamics).   It was and is a monumental breakthrough in the analysis of load bearing biomechanical diseases.   We kept refining our data and software ever since, (improving data output, and graphics) while keeping the software easy to operate.  
We also developed a full depth level of manufacturing software which enables Orthopedic Technicians to "See What You See".   We enhance our development to include photos, video (gait), as well as Optical and Laser functionality. 
As we moved forward, we developed other amazing technologies such as digital foot sizing, optical imaging as well as Laser Imaging.   See our blog:  
Currently, we have listened to the user physicians and embodied their thoughts and wishes into Digital Imager Live which is the first Cloud (.net) software ever developed.    We also started manufacturing Casual Ergonomic Footwear and we were the first to introduce the Bio Engineered Device which meets much stricter biomechanical control than that of a Plaster to mold cast.  
Currently, we offer three methods of manufacturing;
  1. 3D data to CNC Milling (Bio Engineered Devices)
  2. Thermo-pressed Custom Shell Manufacturing (Bio Engineered Devices)
  3. Patented Custom on demand Orthotics

We offer three types of Devices as well.

  1. Bio Engineered Devices (the best corrective control) - Fully Guaranteed to Work
  2. Orthotics from impression molding (subject to a Art Form) - No Guarantee
  3. Accommodative Orthotics - No Guarantee

As time progressed we recieved acclaim from many companies we worked with namely;

  • Adidas
  • Reebok
  • Timberland
  • Rocky
  • Fila
  • Pony
  • US Olympics
  • Department of Defense (Pentagon and others)
  • Foot Solutions
  • CCM (Hockey)
  • Spira Footwear
  • Custom Sports Footwear

The Bad. . .

As 3DO made its emergence, there has been a significant growth of Junk Products in bot the medical industry as well as the retail industry.   This has been fueled by poor payments by insurance carriers.   The less the carriers pay for a product, shortcuts in quality and efficacy begin to appear.   This has grown to the point where many of the products are not custom or adequate for providing correction.   This has really been apparent in the retail markets where products called "custom" such as Doctor Scholls, are nothing more than over the counter sizing insoles called "custom orthotics".

This has caused great confusion in both medical and retail markets.   Both consumers and doctors are confused. . .

  • They are confused about imaging systems.   Most of the imagers are 2D and many claim they have 3D technology which is really 2D images using algorithms to give you a sense of a 3D image but lack 3D geometric data and are therefore not real 3D technologies.  
  • They are confused about product claims and efficacy.   Many devices are not custom and are customized and therefore not corrective.   The quality of correction is also a pitfall.   Most of the technologies can not provide the data to push correction and are therefore accommodative.
  • They are unaware of the errors in product manufacturing.   Many technologies estimate biomechanical control.  "If you have a 2D system, and the foot is a 3D appendage, how can you justify 3D correction," stated Dr Craig Lowe.
  • They are unaware of diagnostic and therapeutic pitfalls in corrective controllability of products.  The quality of control is paramount.  To push control, you need an assessment of;
  1. Static Body Balance in all 3 body planes (frontal - transverse - lateral)
  2. Mass Displacement - (Static and Dynamic)
  3. Motion Analysis (Joint Velocity) - Dynamic Motion Analysis
  4. Pressure - (Linear pressure and Sheer Pressure (critical in diabetics))
  5. Symmetry - Difference in limb function
  6. Gait Analysis
  7. 3D Geometry (numeric data)

Holistic Health - A System For Optimum Health

Now that we have improve the accuracy of the manufacturing of bio-engineered devices, implementing these advancements with technology driven footwear can now bring a new type of custom footwear called ergonomic footwear.  

An example of this is a strategic partnership with Spira footwear.   Using the Spira Walker which has the ability of absorbing 95% of reactive ground forces on man-made surfaces in addition to the insertion and integration of bioengineered devices, the most ideal walking footwear is now on the market And available by physicians in our network. 


This opens up the door for ergonomic walking programs for organic disease which affects 90% of primary care physician patient loads.   As you were aware, patients do not want surgery and they do not want to be taking toxic medication. By implementing ergonomic walking programs (two-mile walking programs), Most primary-care doctors agree that this will make a profound effect on Organic Disease patients (Congentive Heart Disease - Obesity - Diabetes - Hypertension - Peripheral Vascular Disease). .   and there are other diseases which can be effected such as Cholesterol conditions and more.

Change your life. . . . reduce and or eliminate diseases and increase longevity without drugs. 

  • Eat Healthy
  • Walk 2 miles a day

This is a perfect emerging market for Chiropractors. . .  Reach out to Primary Care Physicians and let them know you have a solution to make their patients healthier.   The patients are listening. . .

Implants and Load Bearing Surgeries
  • Implants are failing because the biomechanical conditions that caused the deformity(s) are not investigated or treated.   As Dr Craig Lowe states, "Mechanical problems require mechanical solutions".   According to Dr Lowe, it all evolves around Wolf's Law.   Over time, abnormal pathomechanical forces tear down joints. 
  • Many surgeons are anware of the biomechanical etiologies of pathomechanical diseases.

Moving Forward. . .

  • Get involved and create seminars on Functional Biomechanics
  • Market and educate Primary Care Physicians as to the benefits of Ergonomic Walking Programs
  • Show up to community events. . . Talk this up. . . People want to know.
  • Use 3DO Imaging on all patients and make it a foundation of investigation within your practice.

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