Wednesday, November 8, 2023

How to avoid joint surgeries

How To Avoid Joint Surgeries


Load bearing Joint Surgeries are the result on long standing cyclic load conditions which are for the most part accumulative.
Mechanical problems ultimately require mechanical solutions.  Surgery only treats the symptom unless there is a functional correction.   Regardless, critical attention should be focused on the biomechanical cause of the conditions that are creating the need for surgery.   If these conditions are not investigated, surgery can fail or create additional surgical intervention.


Advancements in 3D Weight Bearing Analytical Systems can now let us see the "unseeable forces" that creates disease.  3DO (3D Orthodynamics) Imaging offers objective assessments into simple to complex load bearing diseases affecting the boy in both Static (non-movement) and Dynamic (movement) states.   Digital Orthotics is a pioneer in the development of these systems for the medical profession.   According to Dr Craig Lowe, the inventor, doctors can see the cause biomechanical of disease and do better work with longer term results and less rates of complications.  

The Solution:  New Bio Engineered Orthotics

These devices are designed from 3DO Imaging which analyzes both static and dynamic cyclic load conditions.   They stabilize the reactive forces where the body interacts which is between the foot and the floor by controlling precisely the tri plane joint interlocking of the foot.  This enables the foot to properly absorb impact shock loading and then transmit these forces efficiently up the limb, pelvis and spine.  In the case of many diseases such as diabetes, the results can save lives by preventing amputations and infections.

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